Beat by Beat: Essential Lifesaving Equipment

Project Need: $16,500

Search and Rescue (SAR) Rangers are a vital part of Zion. These dedicated individuals bravely navigate rugged landscapes to ensure the safety and well-being of all park visitors, and it is imperative that they be provided the equipment needed to provide fast and critical care. The introduction of an automatic cardiac compression device is a game-changer for SAR operations. Paramedic and EMS Coordinator Tess Olsen likens it to “having an extra team member in the field.” This device addresses a critical challenge: the impossibility of moving patients undergoing CPR. Olsen’s insight underscores the device’s vital role in rescue operations, enabling the safe and efficient transport of individuals in critical condition.

The purchase of an automated cardiac compression device is the next step in Zion National Park’s commitment to enhancing SAR capabilities and providing evidence-based medical care during emergencies. The project’s focus is to secure essential cutting-edge equipment to support Rangers tasked with ensuring the safety of park visitors.

Getting involved in the Beat by Beat project is an opportunity to contribute to a cause that safeguards lives. Through your support, donors become an integral part of a community dedicated to innovation, safety, and the conservation of one of America’s most treasured landscapes. Supporting this cause is a chance to make a tangible difference at Zion and help ensure the park remains a place of wonder and safety for all who visit.