Rangers in the Real World

Project Need: $24,000

It’s one experience for a student to have a virtual visit with a Zion Ranger. It’s an entirely different experience to have students meet a Ranger in the classroom. This customized experience, part of Zion’s broader educational outreach, weaves virtual lessons, immersive park visits, and the invaluable presence of Rangers in local classrooms to create a comprehensive learning journey about the natural world.

Rangers lead engaging and educational programs that bring the wonders of Zion National Park directly to the students. These classes are designed to be informative, enjoyable, and exploratory, fostering a positive and lasting impression on young minds. Zion’s Education Manager, Jorge Hernández, encapsulates the program’s impact: “Seeing the spark of curiosity in the student’s eyes is profoundly rewarding. It’s about inspiring the next generation to appreciate and protect our natural treasures.”

The program is designed to cater to various age groups, emphasizing 4th and 5th graders, offering activities that delve into subjects like geology, plants, animals, and Utah Core Standards that tie into the park. At the heart of the program is a focus on Title 1 schools in the local community, which represent our most underserved youth.

This program’s success hinges on the support of park lovers and donors like you. Your continued support ensures that the Rangers in the classroom remain a cornerstone of the park’s educational outreach and the fostering of stewardship among our youth.